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Angry & hateful reactions from members (2)  /  信徒讀過 [一雙銀筷子] 的 激怒反應(2)


Living Buddha Lian Shen’s Question Column

True Buddha School Committee:

I learn from the internet that our Grand Master had released a statement on November 3rd, 2000 about "Preparation for a pair of silver chopstick, reminded by our great Grand Master, indicating that certain students were going to harm our Grand Master. Initially, I was shocked to learn such news, but deeply enraged subsequently. Should the attack come from the outsider, we would forgive them for their less understanding on our Grand Master. But from our own students is trying to harm our Grand Master, thus he/she is committing an unforgivable sin, by sending him/her to hell eternally is not enough of a punishment.

Since we have learnt a lot of the precious Dharma from our Grand Master over the past decades, it is time for us to reply him. We no longer allow ourselves asking for empowerment and blessing from our Grand Master all the time. From now on, we must pray for our Grand Master's safety, eternity of life in order to turn the Dharma Wheel.

Though Grand Master is now traveling the "Four Seas" (Four seas means all over the world) and leading a peaceful life, the continuous issue of his books is a blessing to the universe. Therefore, all the students must refrain from disturbing our Grand Master, who is propagating the Dharma, just to satisfy their personal lust.

In gratitude to our Grand Master, I sincerely hope the School Committee will disseminate our consensus to pray our blessing to him.

Wishing our Grand Master the best of health & best of luck!

Lian Hua student




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