My Story - SHC and Sheng-Yen Lu



          I should voice up   我有話說        

《宗委會專訊》聲明             01/15/2005


    我已說了, 我願公佈「我的故事」(我的不幸) 希望大家能認清盧勝彥的面目, 在該宗教上已判定我誹謗根本傳承上師,犯了重戒, 我熟讀真佛宗的戒律, 我更凊楚知道誹謗上師的後果, 如果有智慧的你, 身為有責任度眾生的您,有認真的悉讀「我的故事」?

    我, 秀霞身受其害是確實真實, 就讓我公開, 讓公眾人士給我討回公道!!


 The True Buddha School Committee to enounce 

    As I have said before, I'll disclose "My Story" to expose the true colors of  Sheng-Yen Lu. As far as the "True Buddha School" is concerned, it has verdict me to have defamed its root Guru (Grand Master), committed a grave mistake of breaking its rules. I did read the precepts and rules set up by the "True Buddha School" and realizing the consequences of making a defamation charges against the Grand Master. If you happened to be a conscious minded person and have a vow to deliver the sentient beings, you have to go through "My Story" ?

          I, SHC was truly victimized in this case. Therefore, I have to make known this matter in order to get back my justice.

  如果我「善逝」之後 盧勝彥/文        02/01/2005

    盧勝彥! 你死不得! 快還我公道!       


In the Aftermath of my "death", by LU

       Sheng-Yen Lu! You could not die! For you have to return me my integrity and justice as early as possible!


真言宗與真佛宗 盧勝彥/文           02/05/2005


    我, 秀霞皈依真佛宗將近十年, 我從來沒有聽 過盧勝彥殺人法, 在你已知道自己的信徒要退出時, 就趁在2000年三月11日大法會上公開傳殺人法, 你用意何在?

    現在我已公開盧勝彥的真面目你又再強調真佛宗真言, 即是咒咀術. 你說: [咒咀術,咒咀神即是屍鬼,是一種殺人的念誦法。也就是咒殺,用起屍鬼殺人。]

    在這個時候, 你又公開聲明真言咒咀術殺人法, 你用意何在?


True Sutra School And true Buddha School, by LU

       I, SHC have jointed and taken refuge from the True Buddha School for approximately 10 years without and never hearing you to talk about the "Killing Magic Arts". However, as soon as you were aware that your disciple was leaving you, you  took the opportunity to spread the teaching of the Magic Arts of Killing People at a Dhama Session on March 11, 2000. What is your Ultimate Motive?

      After I have exposed publicly "Sheng-Yen Lu's true facts" you again emphasized the magic arts of the true Buddha School. This magic arts is a form of recitation reawakening the spirit of a corpse (ghost) to kill people.

         What is your motive of spreading this kill people magic arts at this moment?

漏與無漏 盧勝彥/文             02/17/2005


    盧勝彥, 你說妄語已習慣了, 我想只有我才能說穿你, 我在西雅圖雷藏寺居留期間, 你多次的給我<雙身>的加持, 你曾兩次的告訴我: [你會生孩子!]

    曾經您精液漏流地毯, 您說是我的, 可能嗎? 請看我的原版[問事便箋]


Leak (Ejaculate) and No-leak,  by LU

       Sheng-Yen Lu! Your works are used to be abusive. I wish to expose your nature here again that while I were staying at Redmond temple, Seattle, you gave me several "Twin Body" blessing. Twice you told me that I would give birth a baby.

       Your sperm dropped on a carpet. Instead, you said it was mine. Was it possible? Please see my original script (Ask and foretell paper)



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