My Story - SHC and Sheng-Yen Lu

Further Details [My Story] / [我的故事] 詳細資料>  Letter for I wrote down my problems/questions  問事单

       This is the last I met LU only went for consultancy, I wrote the questions on consultation request.

     在最後一次盧勝彥, 用寫[問事便箋](問事单)見 他.

     曾有在[西雅圖雷藏寺]求盧勝彥問事的人, 都會知道這張[問事便箋]是屬於[西雅圖雷藏寺]的, 還有盧勝彥筆字體(黑筆).





    資量的原因, 或者難再回來拜見師佛了. 請師佛坦白告訴我為何身體常反反復復? 請師佛為弟子化業, 願續慧命, 普渡眾生, 了脫生死.

    弟子中蠱, 神精昏亂, 心慌恐怖, 不能思想. 幸好理智清醒分明, 調心放鬆, 每天如行屍走肉的過日子. 來西雅圖的三天前, 同門陪伴去找解蠱師, 他似啟靈狀態, 在我背部猛拍, 然後在後頸背以氣功用口吸出一支彎曲黑色有孔縫衣針. 之後腦子回復活動, 慢慢康復中...

    請問師佛, 弟子中蠱是真是假?   怎樣才能避蠱呢?  盧勝彥寫下: 未必

    四年以來, 每次住在西雅圖, 身體就會很健康. 每當回去馬來西亞, 最多只能維持兩個月, 然後跟着就如病入膏盲. 這趟已各五個月, 幾乎病得不成人了.

    請問師佛, 為何會這樣?   或以後弟子不能回來, 怎麼辦?  盧勝彥寫下: 聖地加持

    [今年師佛曾兩次告訴弟子說會生孩子. 九四年我已做了節育手術. 一個月前, 弟子已在病中,去找中醫師求醫, 醫生說我懷孕了.(在那時後, 我 怪病復發嚴重, 脈也亂了, 中醫師誤診.)上飛機前我曾驗尿, 是[無]. 每月月事正常. 身體也沒有任何變化, 怎會有喜呢?

    請問師佛, 是何方神聖入我胎中, 為什麼呢?    盧勝彥寫下: 已無  ]

    碧玲師姐說我的店和住家黑氣佈滿. 魚池有很多魚靈和一浮屍靈. 前面水池有兩道彩虹飛升. 門前有一古老圓形噴水池(隱)

    請問師佛,此事可真? 請師佛慈悲化煞, 願吉宅盛旺和吉祥.

    最近這三個月, 我師兄(丈夫)生意回升五十巴仙. 可是經濟週轉還是非常不理想.

    祈求師佛慈悲賜我貴人和奇蹟. 願盡快順利渡過難關.

    盧勝彥寫下: 加持


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(English Translated)


Name:          S H C

Date of Birth: 41 years old


Please State Question:

Dear Grand Master:

Please Grand Master, can you tell me frankly why my health has constantly been the same. Please Grand master, bless my mortal life and release me from the grasp of death.

Disciple (I) has been cast with voodoo, resulting in great mental confusion and emotional terror and inability to think. Everyday is similar like walking mummy. Three days before coming to Seattle, a fellow disciple had brought me to see a spiritual healer. In a trance, he hit me fiercely at my back of my neck, he sucked out a bent, black sewing needle. After that, I felt myself slowly regaining consciousness and my health recuperating.

Please Grand Master, the fact that Disciple (I) was cast with voodoo, is it really true? How do I avoid it?

Sheng-Yen Lu answer: "Not Necessary" means uncertain. (Black Ink)

In the past fours years, every time that come to Seattle, my health would be excellent but when I return to Malaysia, I can only last for two months before my health deteriorate severely. I have been sick for the past five months now and almost unrecognizable as a human.

Please Grand Master, why isit like this? What would happen id Disciple (I) cannot return?

Sheng-Yen Lu answer: "Blessing at Sacred Grounds (Hieron)"

Grand Master, you have told me twice this years that Disciple (I) would conceive and have a child. In 1994, I have already performed Hysterectomy. A month ago, when I was sick and went to see a Chinese medicine doctor, he had told me I was pregnant. (On that time I get ill) Before taking the flight, I had also done a urine test and the result were negative. My menstrual period was also normal and there was no significant change in my body. How could I be pregnant?

Please Grand Master, which supernatural force has entered my body and why?

Sheng-Yen Lu answer: "No More"

Sister Bi Ling said my shop house are overcast with a "black force". The fishes in the fish pond are almost like floating dead sprits. The fishpond in the front has two rainbow structures and in front of the front door is a very old round-shaped fountain (hidden).

Please Grand Master, is this really true? Please Grand Master, use your compassion to overcome this evil force and bless my house with peace and prosperity.

In the last three months, my husband has improved his business by 50% but his financial turnover is still very poor. Please Grand Master, use your compassion and bless my life with a miracle so that we can pull through this difficult time.

Sheng-Yen Lu answer:"Blessing"

Thank you.

Lian Hua S H

Dec 10, 1999



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